4 Skills You Will Need When Considering a Clerical Career

The secretary is the first person you typically meet when entering an office. It’s their job to direct you where to go and inform whomever you’re meeting with of your presence. He or she is swift and knowledgeable and rarely fumbles. These clerical workers are the unsung heroes of the office, and it takes a certain skillset to succeed in the position.

It is the role of the clerk to keep the office running smoothly and efficiently. They take phone calls, make copies, plan events, assist fellow employees with work, and so much more. If you’re considering a clerical career, here are four essential skills:

People Skills

Notice this doesn’t say “people person.” While thriving from being around others is helpful, it’s more important that you can balance people in this role. You’ll have to interact with others in the office, those who call in and visitors who stop by. This balance is two-fold – it involves the actual juggling of multiple requests simultaneously and dealing with varying personalities.

Computer Literacy

A large portion of clerical work comes down to a computer, and knowing how to use one is essential. More than opening a word document, you should be a quick learner and adapter. Each office will have different software in place and each job will demand different responsibilities. Exhibiting you can learn new programs quickly will help you stand out from your competition.

Organizational Skills

Circling back to the balance mentioned in the first skill, being organized is a must considering all the paths in the office you cross. Not only do you keep track of your own work, it often falls on the secretary to keep others organized as well. The better your systems are, the better your office will run. If you have a tendency to lose track of things or miss details, a career in the clerical field might not be right for you.

Ability to Adapt

With the professional world always adapting, it’s important that you can too. Just because the office has traditionally done things one way does not mean they will stay that way forever. It’s important to stay open-minded and willing to learn so you can help others along the way if there is resistance or struggles.

Are you interested in a clerical career?

Seeking out a new career can be intimidating, but LaJoy Group is here to set you up for success. Our partnerships with private, public and non-profit corporations make sure we’re seeing the right opportunities to help match talent to organizations. Visit www.lajoygroup.com and let us connect you today.

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